torsdag 26 november 2015

Describe the perfect day

A perfect day for me is when I can lay in my bed knowing that I don’t have any homework to do. This day does also need to be including food – but just the food that I love. This already wonderful day is going to contain lots of snuggling with my cat at the same time that I´m having a film-marathon. So with this said, a day with my bed, a piece of food and my cat, that´s a perfect day for me.

What do you want to work with in the future?

I want to be a police officer, like my dad. I find the proffesion really interesting. A great opportunity to help different kinds of people and plenty of variety in tasks.

What do you think about the mass shootings in the U.S?

I think they are tragic and the gun laws should be changed for the better, decreasing the amount of guns used. This will make it harder for people to get their hands on weapons and we could probably evade many school shooting, massacres and mass-shootings this way.

What is your opinion on weapons in the society?

Everybody should have the right to exert their hobby, but at the same time I don't want people to get hurt.

As a weapon lover I look positively to a world with more legalized weapons and I think that the police should put more effort into illegal import of weapons. But unfortunately thats not the case here in Sweden

What is your favourite quotation?

’’One time they said that I was short, but I said no’’